There is no difference between the front enclosure and the front shovel, but the name is different. The function of refitting the front surround and front shovel is not very good. It just adds a little personality to the appearance.

During the driving process, 80% of power will overcome wind resistance when vehicle speed exceeds 60mph. The front shovel reduce amount air entering bottom, thus reducing to forward. ABS engineering plastic is a little tough, but its toughness limited. It resistant high temperature and not easy deform. hard, workmanship good. looks high-end. generally used make car bags or close ground
In process driving, overcoming after exceeding 60 mph. thereby forward increasing downward pressure air;
In many original cars, considering trafficability possibility frequent scratches, this part usually made soft rubber. more position is, better drag reduction effect improvement head air; Its lower end should tilt too much;
In addition to the air flow entering the underbody, the shape, position, angle and other data of the front lip will also affect the air flow entering the central grid and the air flow leading to both sides of the body.
There are generall 5 tie rods for automobile modification. The front top is above the front engine and connected with the upper end of the front suspension. The front lower tie rods are connected with the lower part of the front suspension to improve the stability of the front suspension when the vehicle turns; Middle cross tie rod, the whole tie rod is in a "cross" shape under the car body to improve the rigidity of the whole car; The rear tie rod is located at the lower part of the boot to improve the twisting rigidity of the rear car body. The rear top bar is connected with the rear suspension to improve the rear stability when turning.

Post time: Nov-10-2022